The power of the PA Millennial boom

PUBLIC SOURCE: This year, the Millennial generation will eclipse the Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living generation, totaling 75.3 million, according to U.S. Census data…

In Pennsylvania, there are more than 2.8 million of them. More than half a million of them are concentrated in Pennsylvania’s two largest cities, with more than 450,000 living in Philadelphia and more than 100,000 in Pittsburgh…

Their liberal leaning politics are among the list of trends and characteristics that set them apart. Millennials:
• Are driving less and would rather live in walkable, bikeable neighborhoods.
• Are the first to qualify as “digital natives,” many of them born with tablets and smartphones at their fingertips.
• Have been disproportionately affected by the recession, facing unemployment and underemployment, yet they are optimistic about the future.
• Are the most racially diverse generation yet.
• Wait longer to get married than previous generations and are less likely to link marriage with parenthood… (more)
