The Paterno scapegoating disgrace

TAMPA TRIBUNE: …. Mr. Paterno did everything he should have done in this situation. He reported the allegation he received second hand to school officials and to the campus police. He never eye-witnessed any act on a child. All his knowledge and that of a multitude of others were hearsay rumors.

Mr. Paterno was selected as the fall guy in the Penn State scandal because his legendary status cast a big shadow for irresponsible and incompetent public servants to hide behind. The fall from the mountaintop of his incredible accomplishments and honorable behavior made a better storyline for the media to captivate a large audience for the media to take down another national hero.

Time passing and the facts of the case surfacing will change the narrative. Joe Pa will rightfully be exonerated and restored to his earned status as a kind, honorable role model and father figure to many.  (more)
