The Occupy Wall Street protest movement spreads to other cities


…In a sign that the movement is gaining traction, some of New York’s biggest labour unions have now joined protestors (or are planning to join later this week). The city’s 38,000-member transit union pledged its support and is planning to encourage members to join the street demonstrations early next week. Unions representing teachers, doormen, security guards, maintenance workers, postal workers, healthcare workers, and other labour sectors have also pledged support and hinted at future involvement.

Organisers hope that union involvement will swell the ranks of protestors from a few hundred to a few thousand, though it remains unclear whether organisers will be able to reach their initial goal of 20,000 on-the-ground activists in New York City.

Congressman Bernie Sanders also expressed support for the movement. Actors and filmmakers, musicians, academics, and other famous faces have shown their support for the movement, either by appearing in person or speaking to the media…

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