The mother bias in custody situations is a myth.

The letter in today’s (10/7/11) handout that I received outside Central Market this morning points to a terrible myth and it concerns me that so many people get suckered into believing it. Many of these men who claim that things are biased against them are in extreme denial of their own shortcomings that cause the decisions that are made. From intimate partner abuse, to drinking or drug use to general immoral behavior, these men do not see the mentioned as a problem therefore blaming their loss in court on an “unfair” system.

Further,I have a niece, now 18, that was repeatedly mistreated by her father during court ordered visits from the time she was a baby. He had also battered my sister. In an effort to “be fair” to the father, the court, as well as Children & Youth, ignored the circumstances that my neice was in during her visits with him. From pornography in his home that she had access to, to being put in a coffin at a “biker party” and having pictures taken of her, to finally being beaten up by her father at age 15 for talking to a boy, she suffered.

Upon the beating incident when charges were finally pressed, my niece was able to refuse visits. My sister had previously been repeatedly told that what happens at his house is his business. My niece is now a severely messed up young lady struggling with depression, a personality disorder and a multitude of problems. There are many, many other situations like this that I know of personally.  The mother bias in custody situations is a myth.


1 Comment

  1. If only it were so-

    Look at the numbers – women win custody and PFA’s at an extremely high rate compared to men-

    All the federal and government money goes to women and by design men are cut out to qualify-

    An African American man was three times as likely to raise his children in the time of slavery than today-

    Men four times as likely to commit suicide during divorce as women.

    The “father’s are not needed experiment “has failed miserably!

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