The Looming Marijuana Conundrum

By Doctor Tom (MD)

Now that there has been a steady increase in the clamor for recognition of marijuana as medicine for almost 20 years– accompanied by overwhelming “anecdotal” evidence that its medical benefits are far greater than imagined– one would think that such pressure would auger well for pot “legalization.” But one would be wrong; and for the most human of reasons: no one– especially government officials– wants to cop to such a colossal blunder.

“Marijuana” was classified as a Schedule 1 substance in 1970 because it was found to be “dangerous, habit forming, and of no recognized use in American medical practice,” a judgment that’s been upheld over and over again in state and federal courts at every level.

To admit at this late date that the findings responsible for millions of felony arrests over an interval of 44 years have been erroneous would indeed be difficult, particularly since the real reason is that the authorities making and confirming them were medically incompetent, yet refused to allow pertinent evidence to be presented or heard.

Someone in the federal government has to either bite a huge bullet or invent one hell of a cover story so we can move on.
