LETTER: The Lancaster Public Library Needs Your Support

In the time of budget crunches, a place not to continue to cut is our Public Libraries. The Lancaster Public Library receives only 40% funding from governmental sources; 60% is from private sector sources.

Please take the time to support our public library. Some ideas: Make a cash donation; write a letter to the The Editor of the newspaper, The Lancaster County Commissioners, Your Municipality Government, and/or the Governor. Make your voice heard.

Following is an email I received from Herb Landau, Executive Director, 717-239-2108, [email protected]

We need your help. For the past several years Lancaster Public Library has faced huge reductions in government support. Funding cuts have necessitated reductions in hours, staff and book purchases. Without your help, we will be forced to further reduce library services and may have to turn people away. You can help by making a cash or property donation to the library.

But first, I want to dispel two major misconceptions about public libraries. The first is that public libraries are becoming obsolete
with the advent of modern technologies. To the contrary, the library is a bank of information, providing more than books with DVDs, free downloadable eBooks, databases, computer instruction, and essential Internet access. This is attested to by the continuing high level of library use as evidenced by the, literally, thousands of people who walk through our library’s doors every day seeking the learning tools necessary to enrich, improve, and transform their lives.

The second misconception is that the library is a government organization. In fact the library is a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization and NOT a department of Lancaster City or County. And by law, as a free public library, we cannot charge for basic library services.

Although the library conducts multiple fundraising efforts, such as the Annual Book Sale, Bookstores, and Adopt-A-Book, these do not generate enough funds to cover the costs of library materials, necessary technology and children and adult programming. That’s why we need your help!

Please help us to continue our 252-year-old mission to serve our city and county. Your tax-deductible investment will support the student, the job seeker, the parent, the entrepreneur, the child and the reader.

If you have a question, wish to explore a bequest to the library, or have a gift of property or securities please contact me at
717-239-2108 or [email protected].

Thank you for your continued support
