The Healing Of America

In describing the French health care system, considered by many to be the best in the world (including the French!), author T. R. Reid explains:

“The carte vitale – the ‘vital card,’ or the “card of life ” – contains the patient’s entire medical record, back to 1998.  Embedded in the gold metallic square just left of center is a digital record of every doctor visit, referral, injection, operation, X-ray, diagnostic test, prescription, warning, etc. together with a report on how much the doctors billed for reach visit and how much was paid, by the insurance funds and by the patient.”… “That’s why French doctors and hospitals don’t need to maintain file cabinets full of records.  It’s all digitized.  It’s all on  the card.”

“If you find a lot card, you’re supposed to drop it in any mailbox, and it will be forwarded to the national Centre des Cartes Vitale Perdues…The Center says about 80pecent of lost cards eventually get back to the owner.”

WATCHDOG: The French health system’s administrations cost come to about half those of the united states, 10% of total as compared to 20%.  But of course, we Americans have nothing to learn from foreigners!

Three wags of the tail for the French health care system… the best in the world, compared to the USA being 37th.
