The Female Brain

AOL HEALTH:  She’s a contradiction in heels: fearless one day, weepy another and keenly intuitive every day in between. Dr. Louanne Brizendine, author of “The Female Brain” and founder of The Women’s Mood and Hormone Clinic in San Francisco, says that a woman’s unique hardwiring and hormonal makeup can turn her into a different creature with every passing day and decade. Here are six things men should know about how women’s minds work.

She’s not being rude when she cuts you off.

Pair two gal pals over brunch together, and even without a mimosa in hand, they’ll usually create an immediate gabfest in which they’ll complete each other’s sentences. “When females talk to each other,” says Brizendine, “they often engage in overlapping speech. But when a woman interrupts her man, it can shut him down.” The point: While we should voice and respect one another’s communication needs, Brizendine encourages men to not take this female habit too personally. There’s no hormonal cause for this tendency, says Brizendine, but, she adds, “Scientists believe it has to do with a difference in our brains” (women’s brains usually process language rapidly) and in our socializations (it’s socially acceptable for women to openly share their emotions with one another)…. (Much more!) 
