The Feel-Good Gene

NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY REVIEW: …In short, some people are prone to be less anxious simply because they won the genetic sweepstakes and randomly got a genetic mutation that has nothing at all to do with strength of character. About 20 percent of adult Americans have this mutation. Those who do may also be less likely to become addicted to marijuana and, possibly, other drugs — presumably because they don’t need the calming effects that marijuana provides…

People with the variant FAAH gene are less anxious and are thus less inclined to like marijuana. They actually experience a decrease in happiness when smoking marijuana, compared with those with the normal FAAH gene, who find it pleasurable. If you naturally have more of the real thing you understandably have little use for marijuana…

So it seems that nature has designed us all to be on high alert for danger: We all learn to be afraid of new threats with equal facility. But some of us, like those with this cannabinoid mutation, forget about previous dangers more easily and move around in the world with less anxiety. This seems like a good deal for the species: We’re protected by those who are anxious and vigilant and enriched by those who are more carefree and exploratory… (more)

EDITOR: Perhaps neo-conservatives should be prescribed two joints daily.
