The Curse of Kane

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS Editorial: WHEN Attorney General Kathleen Kane declined to defend the state’s anti-gay marriage statute last year, it seemed she could be the political messiah who’d drag Pennsylvania into the realm of progress – especially if she ran, as anticipated, for governor. That impression was shattered the following month, when she inexplicably prosecuted a dutiful, loving daughter for allegedly assisting her father’s suicide.

Kane lost the case this week against Philadelphia nurse Barbara Mancini, which was thrown out by Schuylkill County Judge Jacqueline Russell. The 47-page decision chastised Kane’s attempt to build a prosecution on “little independent investigation, significant hearsay, including double hearsay received from third persons – speculation, guess and defendant’s alleged incriminating statements.” …

The charges derived from a bedside exchange between them, when Mancini handed her father a bottle of morphine, at his request. He lapsed into unconsciousness, was brought to the hospital and revived despite his do-not-resuscitate order, and died there four days later. Kane pressed charges based on the allegation that Mancini was helping him fulfill his wish to die, rather than helping him alleviate his pain… (more)


1 Comment

  1. This is a far cry from Newslanc’s joyful announcement of a new sheriff in town when Kane was elected not long ago on the promise to get Corbett over unsubstantiated Sandusky allegations. Kane is just another pretty face and that won’t last long either.

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