The Brunswick Hotel: The height of Lancaster hypocrisy

By Robert E. Field, Publisher and Real Estate Developer

Hiz honor Mayor Rick Gray has done a lot of good things, but when it comes to the Brunswick Hotel he has been blind to the City’s historic contribution to how Lancaster Square East – the Brunswick, its vacant Annex, and the  former Bulova Building –  has become a downtown blight.

Gray is quoted  by the May 4 Intelligencer Journal /  New Era (“Judge:  Brunswick must make changes“*) as saying “It’s for sale, but there’s no agreement.” Who in their right mind would buy it to operate as a hotel?  And will a subsequent owners be able to do any better given the market circumstances?

First a bit of history for new comers:  When Sen. Hugh Scott dedicated Lancaster Square East in 1971, the downtown city block was meant to  protect its retail establishments and commerce  from flight to the suburbs.

The Hess Department Store and a four star Hilton Hotel opened to great fanfare and community expectations.   Unfortunately the department store came on line virtually simultaneously with the opening of the giant Park City Mall.   Hess closed its doors  in a little over a year.

Moreover, since there was not enough hotel business in downtown Lancaster to justify  the expansive and luxurious Hilton, it soon lost its prestigious  flag and survived for decades as a training center for government employees bussed in from the Washington D. C. area and on what scant downtown hotel and food and beverage business  was available.

On or about 1999, Mayor Charlie Smithgall contemplated placing a convention center as part of an expanded Brunswick Hotel but despite his effort  – some suspect foul play – he was unable to contact the owners.    Ultimately the oversized convention center was constructed downtown on the Watt & Shand department store site.   In turn,  the City built, owns, financed and leased to Penn Square Partners  the three star Marriott Hotel in direct competition to the Brunswick

Yes, on many  days that the Convention Center is in use, it generates essential  business for the Marriott.  But the convention center does business less than half of the days of the year.  If there was little market for a reputable downtown hotel before the Marriott, there is no normal market whatsoever post the Marriott for the Brunswick.

(Gray says that the City needs more downtown hotel space, which is nonsense. A hotel cannot live off a few days of Marriott overflow business.)

Thus Gray, who chose to financially support the development of the Convention Center Project despite concerns of 78% of the county population, is far from blameless for the plight of the Brunswick.

Even more inexplicable, Gray is also accountable for the failure of Randy Patterson, City Planner, to come up with an overall renewal plan for the demolition of Lancaster Square East sans the parking garage and the subsequent development of a residential condominiums and townhouses to meet the needs of the growing downtown luxury housing market.

Hotels per their design are not adaptable to residential or office use. Moreover, the ‘footprint’ of the Brunswick as part of the Lancaster Square East prevents a new structure apart from redeveloping the rest of the site.

The City through its Redevelopment Authority of the City of Lancaster (or some new entity) ought to acquire the Brunswick, its Annex, and the former Bulova Building which is reportedly mired in bankruptcy court.  The site needs to be leveled and then sold to apartment and townhouse developers.

Patterson won’t even discuss the matter with NewsLanc.

If Gray and Patterson were open to suggestions and guidance from local real estate developers, the City would likely be well on its way to a solution which would be a fitting legacy for Gray and Patterson.  Instead Gray vents his frustrations on the hapless owners of the Brunswick (who are not themselves blameless as landlords) and buries his head in the sand when it comes to finding a real solution.

Wake up Rick Gray and Randy Patterson.  Let’s work together to get the job done.

*Article not currently posted at



  1. I wouldn’t hold your breath on getting either of these two “geniuses” on board or seeing any bit of common sense applied to this problem.

  2. This seems very similar to the hatchet-job LNP did on former County Commissioners to pave the way for the PSP white elephant on Penn Square. You don’t suppose for a minute do you that PSP is behind all of this??? Where there is smoke……there is fire!!!!

  3. Politicians and their minions should hear Newslanc’s commentary on Lancaster Square East. Let private developers revitalize the area sans public money. We don’t need another PSP like deal.

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