The best present for Fathers Day? Stop bashing men

By a father of five

What could be more typical of the modern swing of the social pendulum (Zeitgeist) than columnist (and local defender of ‘virtue’) Carol Petersen’s “Dads play vital role in family”.

The first 80% of the column consists of attacks on men in general and fathers in particular. Here is the second paragraph: “It is heartbreaking to see a man bring a child into a cafe or restaurant and then play with his high-tech gadget while his child repeatedly says, ‘Dad? Dad? Daddy?’ repeatedly until they finally wear down dad until he finally looks up, exasperated, and responds with a loud ‘WHAT!”

Yes, we are terrible aren’t we?

Petersen’s column(s) is (are) representative of the angry side (call it collateral damage) of the feminist movement…not satisfied to improve the lot of women but to do so through the denigration of men.

Never mind that over an estimated 80 million years, men evolved as hunters and later the bread winners, the warriors, defenders of the family, and the leaders of the community. In two generations, due to the changes in work place requirements and social reform, the roles of men have been largely redefined economically and socially.

We have watched for fifty years as men have been made the butt of situation comedies. Foolish father… wise mother. Bill Crosby’s show was a rare (and much needed) exception.

Women now outnumber men in college. Women often earn more than men. That over 50% of biological parents are not married is testimony to the confused relationship between the sexes.

We perceived the popular art move “Frances Ha” somewhat differently than the review by Santa Monica Reporter Dan Cohen who is a generation younger. (In his fifties.)

To us it was a window on the conduct of the current post college generation. The passive, say ‘Platonic’, male relationships with female roommates and friends were belied by the described anger (some would call it deviance) of the male sex practices.

Men and women do not come from the same mold and we need to recognize that. This is a time of radical transformation for boys and men. Yes, women should be respected and have equal opportunities. But so should men.

At least on ‘Father Day’, let’s set aside the current attitude of women as superior but victims and men as dolts and abusers and start showing respect for each gender. When men can again find a comfortable role, it will be better for both sexes, both in public and in bed.
