Talk of impeaching President Obama is nonsense

According to legal precedent, it takes only a majority vote of the House of Representatives to impeach a president. So theoretically, an opposing party with a House majority could pull that trigger at any time.

However, it takes a two thirds vote in the Senate to convict, something that is much more difficult to achieve without strong bi-partisan support.

Moreover, any representative or senator that votes to impeach will be held accountable by his or her electorate. Sufficient number of the voting population are knowledgeable enough to have reached their own evaluation and will likely be bitter against an elected legislator who has frivolously attack someone whom the people have elected.

If there is anything as politically foolish as the way the Republicans have handled the immigration issue, it would be for them to try to impeach the first Black American President.

As for President Barack Obama, his likely view on the matter is “Make my day!”


1 Comment

  1. Forget the fact the he is a 1/2 black President (which he himself conveniently does)……he is NOT helping our country by acting as a King or Emperor or Dictator. In my humble opinion, he has caused more divisiveness in Congress and this country than a predecessor.

    Impeachable….probably not.


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