Survey: Health Insurance Gains Pick up

NEWSMAX: A major new survey finds that a growing percentage of Americans gained health insurance as the initial sign-up season for President Barack Obama’s health care law drew to a close last month…

The decline of 1.5 percentage points would translate roughly to more than 3.5 million people gaining coverage. The trend accelerated as the March 31 enrollment deadline loomed.

“The Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as ‘Obamacare,’ appears to be accomplishing its goal of increasing the percentage of Americans with health insurance,” said Gallup’s analysis of the findings… (more)

EDITOR: We have friends who are so grateful for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In one a supermarket clerk, her monthly cost of health insurance has dropped 75%! Then there are those who otherwise would not qualify for heath insurance before the ACA.

We need to look at ACA the way we should look at payments to seniors under Social Security. Yes, they may be receiving more than they paid in. But what a load Social Security has lifted from their children’s and grand children’s shoulders.

It is the same with ACA. To the extent we may be subsidizing the very poor, we are saving because of preventive care that keeps them from treatment through charity at a far more expensive later point. And it means we don’t have to reach into our pockets to try to help them out…either directly or through various churches and charities.

Overall, it is far more economical for our nation to provide health care for everyone. Of course, far better yet, would be a single payer system as is offered by the other ecoomically advanced nations. A form of that is Medicare for Everyone.
