Supreme Court Approval Rating Dips to 46%

From the GALLUP:

As the U.S. Supreme Court begins its 2011-2012 term, Americans’ approval of the institution is now 46%, a drop of 5 percentage points in the last year and 15 points in the last two years. Since 2000, Gallup has recorded only one approval rating of the high court that is lower than today’s: 42% in June 2005…

The trend in approval by party shows Democrats’ views becoming increasingly less positive, dropping from 75% approval in 2009 to 46% currently. Independents’ ratings have also been trending downward the last two years, while Republicans are a bit more positive this year than last…

Half of Republicans believe the Supreme Court is too liberal, with most of the rest saying it is about right. Democrats are about equally likely to say the court is too conservative as to say it is about right, with a much smaller percentage saying it is too liberal. A plurality of independents believe it is about right, though more say it is too liberal than too conservative…

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