Sunday News fooled; John Fry strikes again?

Yesterday the Sunday News ran an op-ed written by Ronald Bailey supporting Franklin and Marhsall College’s position on the relocation of the Nofolk Soutern rail yard without noting, and we suspect without knowing, that Bailey is apparently in the pay of a subsidiary of F & M. The following letter exposes the situation.

If so, shame on Ronald Bailey! Shame on F&M! This would be just another indication of the deceitfulness and bullying that John Fry has brought to a college that was the pride of our community.


“The Sunday News ran an opinion piece written by Ronald Bailey insupport of the F&M, LGH, and Norfolk-Southernplan to build a railroad switching yard in Manheim Township. After reading Newslanc’s watchdog item regarding the article, noting your comment that you wondered for whom he was speaking, and being suspicious by nature, I did a simple Google search using ‘Ronald Bailey John Fry’ as search words.

“On May 31, 2006 F&M issued a press release announcing the addition of Ronald Bailey as a Senior Research Fellow in F&M’s Floyd Institute. The search also yielded the fact that Ronald Bailey served with John Fry on the LancasterProspers Planning Commission.

“Funny that with Mr. Bailey’s unqualified, full-throated support of the railyard relocation, the newspaper did not see fit to include those two items in their list of Mr. Bailey’s positions and associations. I wonder why.”
