Sunday News acknowledges Bailey op-ed error

In response to an inquiry about its oversight in not mentioning op-ed author Ronald Bailey’s employment by a subsidiary of Franklin & Marshall College, NewsLanc received the following response from Sunday News Editor Marvin Adams:

“That information should have been included at the end of the article. It was an oversight on our part not to remember that connection between Mr. Bailey and F&M. I don’t know if Mr. Bailey is still involved with the Floyd Institute, but either way, it should have been noted.”

That the Sunday News was unaware or had forgotten the connection is understandable, but certainly Bailey knew and, as an academic, certainly should have recognized it was his obligation to make full disclosure in his op-ed.

Again, shame on Bailey and shame on John Fry if he put Bailey up to writing the misleading ‘straw man’ op-ed that failed to deal with the real issue of the suitability of the alternative location for the rail yard.
