In his column headed “Their devil has a pleasing shape”, Gil Smart asserts that Congressman Joe Wilson “had it wrong” when he “surged to his feet and shouted, ‘You lie!”

WATCHDOG: Smart compromises his message by failing to point out that Wilson’s beef is that there is no enforcement clause in the proposed legislation.

“In his gut”—and perhaps correctly—Wilson does believe (as do many liberals) “that Obama is going to cover illegals…”

Perhaps President Obama was being somewhat disingenuous. But what Wilson did was far worse, because his outburst was an offense against the decorum traditionally extended to the President of the United States, no matter who he (or someday she) may be. It is the type of early efforts to seed disrespect for elected opposition leaders that undermine their ability to perform their duties. When it started in 120 BCE Rome, it led inexorably to the end of the Republic.

Successful political activists understand the importance of accurately and generously representing the views of the opposition, and then crushing them with facts and reason. For example, if Smart wants to convince conservatives rather than play to liberals, he needs to disarm them by setting forth the whole story. Sadly, by over simplifying Wilson’s position, Smart forfeits credibility and the moral high ground and unwittingly joins in the game for which he criticizes right wing conservatives.



  1. The House bill contains a section (Sec. 246) titled “NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS,” which states: “Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.”

    You’re saying that disrespectful political figures in Rome around 120 BC “led inexorably to the end of the Republic”? Interesting.

  2. Have you noticed that very few supporters of Obamacare and the rest of his socialist agenda ever supply any facts? It’s all venomous hatred spewed at those who do not agree with them. This is a classic example. It’s nothing but ugly name calling, and it’s no better than what this person accuses Obama’s opponents of.

    It’s also rank hypocrisy, given the disgusting way the same people vilified President Bush. But I suppose it’s OK to be vicious and ugly if you’re opposing Republicans and conservatives, but of course it’s racist if anyone DARES to oppose Obama’s leftist/socialist agenda.

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