In his column “Help society help yourself”, Gil Smart quotes his friend as saying “How about if I take responsibility for one person, or one family? Why do I have to be responsible for everyone? Why is it my obligation to make sure everyone has health insurance?”

WATCHDOG: Why the army, the police force, the fire department, public schools, social security and workers compensation? Because as individuals we cannot efficiently provide these services, but collectively we can.

What is missing from the response is that our current system absorbs 17% of Gross National Product, while other advanced nations provide the same care for a much smaller percentage with equal or better results.

Our situation, which grew in part out of efforts by employers during World War II to circumvent wage controls, creates a struggle between patients, care providers and insurers/government over who is going to pay for what. (A lesser consideration is the cost and fear of litigation.) Conservatives should appreciate that a system that costs much more and provides far less is inefficient and undesirable.

Also do conservatives like the fact that our employers must pay more just for healthcare costs (about $3 an hour) than most workers in China are paid in total! How can we compete?

The problem isn’t the earnings of healthcare providers. The problem is the economic incentives now are perverse and create structural inefficiencies that lead to high costs and sub-standard healthcare for most.

The only practical solution is to follow the lead of other western nations and adopt a single payer healthcare system with the option of paying a premium to use doctors and hospitals in the private sector.

Conservatives should like that!

Updated: August 23, 2009 — 3:45 pm