Front page on May 31: “Man is shot in stomach in city”, “Best in two out of three” about Meghan Ecker finishing first for women in Red Rose Race, “Putting the brakes on youngest drivers”, “Chased by police, driver abandon cars; it drifts into house”; “Welcome wore out” about a celebrity moving from a neighborhood.

Lancaster section:  “Boy struck, dragged by car”; “There’s no place like home”, still another article on Habitat for Humanity; and “Seven staff members win statewide awards” from a “statewide journalism contest” that is an orgy of self congratulations!

WATCHDOG: Where was the “News” in “Sunday News”? We sat down for a leisurely read over breakfast and was through the paper before we got to the orange juice. Exception: “Best in two out of three” about teenage drivers.

Oh yes, Marv Adams had a very good column about the Urban League. (Although his daughter Abigail’s quip once again stole the show.) But it read like an expanded version of the article NewsLanc carried earlier in the week and featured in our newsletter.

Marv and Gil: This week the Watchdog wants its money back!

Updated: June 16, 2009 — 10:39 am