Editorial entitled “We are in deep denial over the Sandusky child sex-abuse scandal, as some Penn State alumni show. The university does share in it, and Joe Paterno does NOT deserve an apology. He and others had an obligation to do more to protect children.”

WATCHDOG: The editors’ position smacks of ‘holier than thou.’  Several reporters at the Lancaster Newspapers voiced objections concerning the Convention Center news coverage to their superiors.  But none went to the Philadelphia Inquirer or the New York Times to criticize what was taking place.  Do we really expect that they would have?

Paterno followed both the law and Penn State policy by reporting what he knew of the occurrence to his supervisors.   The public lynching of Paterno led by now governor Tom Corbett was designed to deflect attention from Corbett’s failure as attorney general to swiftly and properly prosecute Jerry Sandusky.

Corbett took the lead and the other 31 trustees remained mute while the callous and despicable firing of Paterno was approved.  With all due respect, in this case we feel the editors have lost their moral compass, justifying what amounted to a crucifiction.



  1. Sometimes following the letter of the law isn’t good enough. I think it’s revisionist and conspiratorial to say that Corbett led the public lynching of Joe Paterno as a diversion. Some can’t stand the fact good people do bad things or that bad things happen to good people and instead reach for some conspiracy theory to explain how these events were actually the result of someone’s evil intentions.

  2. Marvelous Marv projects a ‘holier than thou’ attitude all the time beginning with the smug photo and carrying through with his so-called ‘column’ each week, most of which are drivel. LNP has historically presented a ‘holier than thou’ attitude, particularly when it came to the Hotel/Convention Center.

    This county NEEDS and DESRVES better from the print media.

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