An article opined:  “Penn Manor School Board has voted to offer $3.84 million for a piece of property owned by a former school board president — land for which the district has no particular plans…

“The property is between two parcels already owned by the district. Because the land is zoned for housing, advocates of the sale said, the district should grab it to prevent it from being developed.

“If that’s the case, why not lobby Manor Township to change the zoning and save $3.84 million?”

WATCHDOG: Two reasons why not:  Because  it would be using its zoning powers to deprive the owner of the value of his property.  It would be ‘spot zoning’.

In the first case it would be immoral.  In the second, it would be illegal.



1 Comment

  1. Would that be as bad as a School Board President increasing the value of his property by purchasing all the property around it first, making him the last piece of a puzzle ?

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