In “You’re making too much money”, columnist Gil Smart defends minimum wage on the moral ground of “…how will they pay their bills” and without minimum wage:  “Consumer spending constitutes 70 percent of GDP  [Gross Domestic Product].  Consumers won’t be spending so much if their paychecks are slashed.”

WATCHDOG: The basis economic justification for unions is that the individual worker does not have adequate bargaininc power.   The same rationale pertains to open shop entry level jobs.   If capitalists don’t want a minimum wage, let them have a ‘Check Off’ system instead, whereby  a majority of employees just sign up for union representation and no election is held to determine whether workers are to be represented by union.  (We don’t favor the proposal in current form  although we are sympathetic that the National Labor Relations Board has been toothless over recent decades in enforcing the laws.)

When entry workers are part of a union,  we won’t need minimum wage laws.   Entry level compensation will likely increase by 50%.

We suspect that Smart studied ethics in college.  The Watchdog majored  in economics and was first in the department at Cal!


1 Comment

  1. If Smart studied ethics in college…why is he at LNP???

    He must have studied socialism/democratism/leftwingism. What a waste of newsprint every Sunday…no wonder LNP had to go from two daily papers to one.

    How come they didn’t blend the papers editorially in stead of keeping all democratic columnists and no local republican writers for the combined daily blabber?? Ernie Schrieber and the other Editorial Page editor are way too right wing…we need commonsense thinking / writing….but oh yeah, we’re talking about LNP.

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