An article “Hotel room tax off 8% in 2009” concludes “According to a study by Smith Travel Research the number of hotel rooms in Lancaster County has increased by 35 percent since 1990, while demand has remained flat.”

WATCHDOG: Despite report after report indicating the thin hotel demand and against the wishes of 78% of the county population who opposed county guarantees of debt per a Fox 43 survey, the newspapers jammed the convention center project and their Marriott Hotel down the taxpayers’ throats.

Now we read that “demand has remained flat” since 1990! Meanwhile, we saddled the hotel industry with a 6% room sales tax which discourages patronage since it is the equivalent to an increase in prices, much to the economic harm of this vital local industry.

How very sad that the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. allowed itself to become involved in this High Group project. Not only did they purposefully and selfishly disregard the will of the public, but the Convention Center consumed Lancaster’s share of state funding that could have been used for so many worthier  local causes. Furthermore, the debt guarantees for the Marriott Hotel has placed City taxpayers at great risk.

One immediate casualty was the redirecting of $3 million of state funds that had been ear marked to renovate and enlarge the Lancaster Public Library to pay the construction bills for the Convention Center. Another casualty is the now closed Brunswick Hotel and vacant Lancaster Square. A third was the obstructing of the path of gentrification to the 100 block of Queen Street South. And it goes on and on to the tune of $50 million.


1 Comment

  1. Bravo!!!!! Once again you have captured the thoughts and emotions of the majority of Lancaster Countians!! How the ‘powers that be’ sleep at night is a mystery.

    Keep up the good work!!!

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