“Open records ruling goes against county. Ordered to turn over video to man ejected from courtroom” describes one of many efforts by activist Ben Vonderheide to protect the rights of fathers to have fair access and at times even custody of their children. Venderheide is quoted as asserting: “This attitude of aggression against my efforts to expose corruption in Lancaster County comes from the top and has been ongoing for years.”

WATCHDOG: Once established under circumstances that are no longer as relevant, society’s viewpoints and policies are slow to evolve. Politicians don’t want to touch these ‘third rail’ controversies. If the issues are to be explored, it is those who either have been mistreated or had their loved ones suffer from bad policy who passionately take up the issue.

It is the courageous Ben Vonderheides of the world who initiate needed reforms. Other more prestigious voices join later. And once there is a sufficient establishment parade favoring change, the politicians get in front and lead it.

A classic example was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s last minute championing of the repeal of alcohol prohibition in 1933. Within a decade, we will probably find Barack Obama or a successor signing federal legislation to legialize medical marijuana, an issue that has taken hold in a couple dozen states over the past decade.

Reform comes slowly. Yet Vonderheid may have already had some influence on the local family courts. God bless the dissidents among us who point the way to a more just and humane society.

A wag of the tail for the article, and three wags of the tail for Vonderheide and other political activists!



  1. Thank you for printing what Lancaster Newspapers would not. We fathers have had our civil liberties and rights abused for decades.

    Please keep up the good work letting people know that we are not just “inconveniencing local officials” but rather asking for equal treatment and justice under the Law.

  2. I have been concerned about the Lancaster Courts for many years. The system and Lou Farina have been untouchable for years. It is time to shed some daylight on the darkness and secrecy of their club.

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