Assemblyman Mike Sturla is a rare politician who is prepared to run risks for what he considers the public good.
Sturla recently facilitated the deregulation of the sale of syringes because almost two Pennsylvanians each day contract HIV/AIDS through the sharing of dirty needles. Heroin addicts hitherto were not allowed to purchase them at pharmacies. The Rendell administration encouraged the change. But Sturla carried the ball and helped bring it about. Since HIV/AIDS is also spread through sexual intercourse, this provides protection for the entire population.
Currently Sturla is sponsoring a bill that would charge townships and boroughs that do not provide municipal police for state trooper protection.
According to the Sunday News, an opponent reasoned: “Everyone gets some use of the state police,” [Elam] Herr said. “Whether it be patrolling or help with other types of crime, or the state police fire marshal or crime labs.” Of course. But that doesn’t mean that the additional services provided should not be reimbursed. Those of us who have to pay for police protection should not have to also pay for police protection for those who cannot or choose not to provide it.
Sturla has ‘guts.’ He is accepting compensation as an assembly person that is likely only about a third of what he could make in the world of business. We are grateful for his service.
(That doesn’t mean we will give him a break next time we disagree!)