Steinman foundations join forces

INTELLIGENCER JOURNAL NEW ERA: Front page article reports “Steinman organizations create largest such charitable entity in county with assets of $85 million.”

“Over the years, the family businesses have increased the size of the charitable trusts, which have given away $79 million to schools, health care organizations, the arts, history and cultural associations and a wide range of organizations dedicated to helping the community of Lancaster County.”

Ever since arriving in Lancaster almost half a century ago, we have been filled with respect and admiration for the Steinman family and its generosity and, for many decades, wise leadership of the community.

The Steinman’s legacy of giving set an example for us and others.

The irony and the tragedy was a decade of inept leadership led to the power and prestige of the family and its newspapers being shanghaied and misdirected by others. So while the foundations continued to do their public spirited work, the newspapers did irreparable harm to worthy individuals and to the community.

This type of problem will become all the more prevalent as wealth is concentrated in the hands of the top one tenth of one percent of the nation and is passed along to the next generation. Wisdom and values do not necessarily accompany the money and the power.

The Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. has new leadership and we believe means well. The question is will it embrace the values of the founders and foundations, assert themselves as half owner of Penn Square Partners to help redress wrongdoings of the past, and publicly accept responsibilities for a decade of unethical performance.

We congratulate the Steinman family for the work of their foundations and wish the joined philanthropies good fortune. They have reason to feel proud.

Over the years we and other critics have spoken ‘truth to power’ so, in our way, we believe we have served as a friend to the family, foundations and the newspapers. Of that, we and others also have reason to feel proud.


1 Comment

  1. Yes, the Steinman Foundation(s) have certainly improved the quality of life for many Lancaster County residents (and those who are no longer residents) over the years.

    Perhaps if the Foundation were to make a considerable contribution to the Convention Center (for the naming rights?), and have that contribution earmarked for future annual shortfalls until a reworking of the one-sided agreements can be accomplished; then just maybe the Convention Center stands half a chance of being more financially solvent on its’ own.

    By doing so; the Convention Center stands a chance to win, the taxpayers and hoteliers stand a chance to win, and the Steinman legacy stands a chance to continue as well.

    Just a thought…..although it probably won’t happen.

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