State electricity purchase deal involving Harrisburg incinerator a week away

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: State officials confirmed Thursday that they are within a week of signing off on terms key to the sale of Harrisburg’s incinerator and the resolution of more than $340 million in debt tied to the trash-burning facility.

City officials and receiver William Lynch have been negotiating the sale of the resource recovery facility with Lancaster County’s Solid Waste Management Authority, or LCSWMA.

Part of the deal hinges on rates and other details governing the state’s purchase of the site’s steam-generated electricity…   (more)

EDITOR: The Lancaster newspapers and county commimssioners have failed in their duties to vet the feasibility of this investment of LCSWMA funds.   The invstment is about the same size as the total convention center project including the Marriott Hotel.  There has been no independent feasibility study and the authority has been uncommunicative with the media.

All the public and government officials know is what  the LCSWMA would have it believe.

If this is another white elephant, county residents will be paying for it in the form of sharply increased costs for trash collections for decades to come.
