Specter’s nomination depends on turn out in Philadelphia


Inside Arlen Specter’s camp, word is that getting out the vote is key to getting the five-term incumbent a victory in  Tuesday’s Democratic primary against U. S. Rep. Joe Sestak.

Political analysts across the state and country say Specter’s re-election bid rests in good voter turnout in Philadelphia, where Specter will end Monday’s statewide fly-around with a rally outside the Phillies-Pirates game. A recent Quinnipiac poll showed Specter leading Sestak 59-percent to 42 percent in Philadelphia.

The Muhlenberg daily tracking poll today shows that Specter has again pulled even with Sestak, who earlier this week had opened a five-point lead over Specter. Did Sestak peak too soon? That is the question of the day … or at least until the new poll numbers come out and a fresh pulse-taking can take place inside this hotly contested race…

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