Single payer a Ponzi scheme

I’m totally opposed to the apparent plan on the part of Obama and the congressional democrats to take over the health care system in this country.  One of the biggest problems we have right now is that government is already too much involved, largely through Medicare and the like.  The original promise of Medicare was that it wouldn’t go over $10 billion; today it’s over $100 billion.

The old joke that says an elephant is a mouse built to government specifications will come true again.  This is the same federal government that brought us Social Security and then stole the money from the so-called trust fund.  Today SS is nothing more than a Ponzi pyramid scheme.  This is the same federal government that gave us the Social Security Administration, the IRS, the Education Dept. and other famously inept bureaucracies.  Not to mention $600 toilet seats from the Pentagon.  I am amazed that people actually seem to WANT the federal government to take over health care.

Its a nice idea, but I fail to see how even a single payer system will truly help in the long run, because the congress critters can’t stand something they don’t control.  Sooner or later, if the federal government is involved, they WILL take over.  When they do, all of the dire predictions of rationing, etc., will come to pass.

Be very, very afraid.



  1. ‘Rationing” of health care occurs now – by insurance executives whose primary motive is profit, which entails finding ways to deny coverage to those who are too “costly” to insure. They comprise the real “death panels.” It’s perverse.

    Markets works well for many purposes, but there are other values besides dollars and profit.

  2. So what is your solution? The planned takeover of the nation’s health care system by the federal government should literally scare you to death. You can’t actually believe the socialist/democrat plan will be good for anything but growing more bureaucrats.

    The plans outlined so far by the Pelosi/Reid crowd are solutions in search of a problem. You cannot seriously believe that thousands of pages of obscure legalistic gobbledegook, political payoffs, etc., are really going to resolve anything fundamental. Change, yes. Resolve, no. And in the long term the cost will go a long way toward destroying this country’s existing health care system AND the economy.

    You’re putting up a false “straw man” argument.

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