Should the Penn State / Nebraska football game be moved or canceled?

Does it make sense, given the raw feelings and student upset, to pack a hundred thousand fans into Beaver Stadium at noon on Saturday?  To further aggravate matters, the game is scheduled to be nationally televised on ESPN.

Would it be prudent to refund the money and move the game to Nebraska?  Or cancel it altogether?

This would be a bitter pill for Penn State players and fans, but are we tempting the fates by bringing close to a hundred thousand people together so soon after this dreadful Penn State debacle when there is so much dissension concerning the firing of Joe Paterno and other university officials?

If the game is to be played locally, it will be important to have at least a hundred state police with full riot control apparatus conspicuously present along with a dozen ambulances to supplement normal security.    As we learned in the 1960’s, proper preparation discourages civil unrest.
