Should We Ask If Supreme Court Nominee Is Gay?


…It’s a sign that, in a nation where gayness is as mainstream as ever, sexual orientation is still a delicate topic for anyone in America, across the spectrum of beliefs and politics….

Polls, after all, show that Americans are increasingly accepting of lesbians and gay men. Popular TV shows like “Modern Family” often have gay characters and plotlines. And these days, it’s common for people to say they have a family member or friend who’s gay.

“In a perfect world, we would not be talking about this. However, it is understandable that, at this time, it would be a risk for a Supreme Court nominee to be perceived as a homosexual,” says Mark Osler, a professor at Baylor Law School in Waco, Texas, who has argued cases before the Supreme Court…

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1 Comment

  1. I don’t care what she does in her bedroom. My concern is that she is NOT a proponent of LIBERTY and FREEDOM that’s suppose to be protected by the government. She appears to be a big fan of ‘government is the answer’ rather than the problem that it often becomes.

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