SHOCKING: Now LNP news coverage blatantly deceives readership about Justice Eakin

NewsLanc readers may have wondered why yesterday’s accusations of bias in LNP editorial placed the blame on ownership / management rather than the editors. One of the editorial board, LNP’s chairman Robert Krasne, is an attorney. If it were the editors who were confused, he presumably would set them straight.

But today we have further evidence of management manipulation, this time egregious distortion of the news process.

Judge for yourself:

LNP front page along side the masthead: “Cleared: State Supreme Court Justice Michael Eakin didn’t send racy emails investigators said”

LNP heading on the Associated Press article: “Panel found Eakin Didn’t send porn”

Actual Associated Press headline: “Eakin cleared in 2014 after panel found he didn’t email porn.

The whole thrust of the AP report and news coverage over the past week is about a huge scandal involving the Supreme Court and its Judicial Conduct Board.

The Court and the Board had received all of the approximately thousand Eakin e-mails from the Attorney General’s office a couple of years ago, including the ones most damaging to Eakin’s judgement and conduct. The Board and the Court apparently suppressed the most disgraceful ones and proceeded to whitewash Justice Michael Eakin.

It isn’t the nature of the e-mails that raises our concern. Had he simply sent them to family and personal friends, we would simply question his taste and objectivity. It is to whom they were sent, suggesting inappropriate relationships between a judge and lawyers and prosecutors who may come before the judge.

Moreover Eakin knew of all of the e-mails he had sent but remained silent.

If not a felony itself, purposeful concealment is totally inappropriate and would be reason for mass resignations of all the committee members and justices involved in the cover up.

Here are pertinent excerpts from the A. P. release:

“HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Pennsylvania agency investigating state Supreme Court Justice Michael Eakin’s emails says it dismissed two complaints against him last year after concluding he did not send pornographic material to any state government employee…

“The board’s chief counsel, Robert A. Graci, on Monday declined to say how many new emails it was given, or whether they’re substantially different than what it reviewed in 2014.

” ‘I’m not going to get into the particulars of what is being investigated,’ Graci said. ‘There have been reports about sent emails.’ ”

Why in the world is LNP going to such lengths to distort reporting about Kane and Eakin? We can’t understand it. Perhaps there is some personal link between ownership or management and Eakin?

Then there is the consideration that Eakin is a former Republican district attorney from neighboring Cumberland County.

We have to hearken back to the run up to the Convention Center fiasco to find LNP purposefully distorting news in order to support editorial content and management interests. We thought they were beyond such disgraceful practices by now.

Apparently they are not.



  1. Some habits die hard.

    Same old, same old.

    You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

    The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    I have some beautiful land in the Florida everglades for sale.

    It goes on, and on, and on…………..

  2. Pennsylvania needs to turn this whole issue over to the Federal Agency for a complete unbiased investigation. That includes the Kane issues and all emails for all allegations.

  3. Bring in the feds.

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