LETTER: Shame on us for putting up gov’t and industry corruption

I am surprised and happy that the New Era would have such a logical criticism of a Republican administration especially when it finds itself advocating for increased taxes! Did I read that correctly? Corporations should “share the pain”? What about “the job busting taxes that discourage the very industries that bring good paying jobs to the commonwealth etc etc. etc” ad nauseam.

So, only “The Voice of Republicanism in Lancaster County” gets to decide which are the “good” taxes” on job creating corporations? “Two wags of the tail” indeed, but “lets not forget” !!!

Lets not forget the new Governor’s “Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission” that is loaded (loaded!) weighted, top heavy, with everyone with a vested interest in PA gas resources (our resources) and who paid dearly to be at the government goodie table. Just read the list and the list of contributions. See our new governor’s cabinet members who sit on the commission and their contributions, even our new “Secretary for Environmental Protection”! http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/pdf/201103/shale_chart0313v2.pdf

This is so old and so disgusting that I cannot imagine that it is still happening after all we have learned about government and private industry corruption. Shame on all the people of Pennsylvania for putting up with this again and again and again!
