Senators Offer License To Strike Iran Nuclear Program


If President Barack Obama feels the need to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program, Congress will back him, a group of senators declared Wednesday.

That pledge came along with the unveiling of a resolution on Capitol Hill that appeared designed to pressure Obama into taking a tougher stance on Iran, and to foreclose any option of letting Iran achieve an atomic weapon…

“This resolution is not an authorization to use military force,” Lieberman said. “But in opposing containment, it certainly is, I would think, sending a message to President Obama that if he decides as commander-in-chief that at any point that a military strike against Iran’s nuclear weapons facility is necessary in the national security interest of the United States, then he can expect broad bipartisan support from the United States Congress.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: The only excuse for attacking Iran’s nuclear capacity would be if it works…which is highly doubtful.   But if it is to be tried, better the USA than Israel.
