Sen. John McCain: Romney May Be Too Wounded to Win in November

NEWSMAX:   ….the GOP’s 2008 presidential candidate called on all four candidates left in the race to tone down the intra-party attacks and concentrate on policies.

“This is like watching a Greek tragedy,” McCain told the Boston Herald, saying that negative campaigning and increasingly personal attacks “should have stopped long ago.”

“Any utility from the debates has been exhausted, and now it’s just exchanging cheap shots and personal shots followed by super PAC attacks,” said the senior senator from Arizona, one of two states with primaries today… (more) 

EDITOR:  We thought Romney’s goose was cooked until we watched his warm and charming wife addressing the crowd with him lovingly looking on.  It suddenly put Romney in an entirely different light… reserved  but understandable much like former president George H. W. Bush.  She completes him. 
