SD of L Athletics Director McCloud Reassigned

According to information made available at the Aug. 19 School Board meeting of the School District of Lancaster (SDL), Athletics Director Allen McCloud is stepping down from his position effective Aug. 26.

McCloud is being hired as as a mathematics teacher effective Aug. 27 at an annual salary of $67,392.00.

SDL Superintendent Pedro Rivera said of McCloud’s resignation, “It was his decision… He wanted to spend more time with his family” although he went on to admit that the decision was made amongst “restructuring” hearings Rivera held with SDL executive staff.

The resignation comes after NewsLanc raised repeated concerns about the effectiveness of the department under his leadership.

About his new gig, Rivera said that McCloud is a “certified, highly qualified teacher” and said that his salary is based on a formula which takes into account years of experience as a District employee.
