Scrooges here and elsewhere

[“Financial results of ‘Convention Center through November”] kind of confirms the excellent column “‘Bah! Humbug!’ awards”  in Saturday’s paper where the advocates of the Convention Center / Hotel all received a “Scrooge Award’. What a great piece of writing!

Extract from Carol Petersen’s article: “So, to those who allied themselves to bring us the Lancaster County convention Center (Don’t be shy, you know who you are!), all those ‘if we build it they will come’ geniuses of business and development, who ignored experts who now appear to have been prescient and clairvoyant in their warnings, those who had so much faith in their little project that they made sure any failure would be paid for by the taxpayers, all those who gave us the Christmas gift of over a million dollars of red ink, I present the Lancaster Ebenezer Scrooge Award of 2009.”
