Editorial “Fairer Terms” observers:

“No one argues that notorious pyramid builder Bernie Madoff doesn’t deserve his 150-year sentence for stealing about $20 billion of his clients’ money. But the objective is exactly that — to ensure that the people at the top of such schemes, rather than mere functionaries, receive the harshest sentences…”

“Some defense lawyers have asked the U.S. Sentencing Commission to take a different approach. Rather than basing the sentences on the amount of money involved, they ask that individuals be sentenced according to their culpability for the scheme itself.

“That, indeed, is a fairer approach. The commission and Congress, for the sake of fairness and economy, should make the change.

WATCHDOG: Although we are very much for reform of mandatory minimum law and sentencing guidelines so that various matters can be taken into consideration in sentencing non-violent offenders, we believe that the amount of money stolen in financial crimes should weigh heavily in their sentencing.

Those who steal millions from charities and violate the public trust, areas of special trust and importance to the community, should feel the full boot of the law.

The greater the honor and trust, the bigger the responsibility.
