School District: Smart precaution!

Parents of School District of Lancaster students received a recorded phone message yesterday and an announcement was posted on the District’s web site: “Schools will open on time Friday morning, January 16; however, due to the extreme temperatures expected, students who arrive up to two hours late for school will not be marked as tardy. “

We deduce the reasons:

Opening the schools at the regular hours provide a warm and secure environment for the many homeless youngsters and younger children whose parents must go to work .

By permitting arrival two hours late, youngsters who walk long distances and may not have clothing appropriate for extremely cold weather could remain at home until the day warms up.

At 7:00 AM on Friday the temperature hovered around 5 degrees and felt like 10 below!

Superintendent Pedro Rivera and his team deserve credit for their sensitivity and proactive actions on behalf of all of the students.
