Santorum Aide: We Can’t Win if Gingrich Stays In


Short on money and staff, Rick Santorum needs help to remain a viable threat to front-runner Mitt Romney in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. One strategist hopes it will come from another rival, Newt Gingrich.

Top adviser John Brabender says Santorum’s future may depend upon Gingrich leaving the race. The former House speaker is showing no signs of bowing out, certainly not before next week’s Super Tuesday voting.

“If we could ever make this where we have all the conservatives and tea party supporters behind us as one candidate against Mitt Romney, we’ll win the nomination,” Brabender said Wednesday as the Santorum campaign recalibrated after finishing a disappointing second in Michigan’s primary…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Right wing is featuring articles attacking Mitt Romney day after day, including SBC’s Richard Land: Romney Not a Christian, Compares Mormonism to Islam today.  Anti Romney headline articles alternate with saber rattling articles concerning Iran.
