Santa Monica Reporter’s mission

In response to a note that the New York  Times’ critic also didn’t like “Amelia”  (, our Santa Monica Reporter, Dan Cohen, responded:

“It was an easy movie not to like, but what I tried to do is to show how it represents a certain type of Hollywood thinking.

I’m never much interested in thumbs up or down; your readers can easily get that elsewhere.

I’m interested in talking about a movie and its place in the culture, without being too pretentious about it.  I’m also glad to point out the gems most people wouldn’t see,  so if they’re thinking of a little trip to Philly,  where the Ritz plays almost everything interesting, or finding a good DVD,  I’m alerting them.

BTW, make it a point to seek out ‘Baader Meinhoff Complex.’  Probably out of theaters now, but soon to be in DVD.”
