Santa Monica reporter comments on Academy Awards

I thought the show was one of the best in many years, if not the best.

The movies, as I wrote, were good, but not great.  I think “The Artist” is fun, but amounts to little

There were a lot of good documentaries showcased that will go on to do well in video and TV.

I liked Meryl Streep in “Iron Lady.”   And Viola Davis in “The Help.”

“A Separation” was a good choice.  There was a lot of intelligent entertainment last year.

I think I missed one major award: I thought they’d give it to Davis;  they gave it to Streep. No big deal.

The criticism that the Academy skews older is okay by me; IFP, the Independent  Feature Project, which has its show the day before, skews younger.

Actually older people, 45 plus, go to the movies more than younger,  and consume more DVDs.

Dan Cohen
