Sandusky investigation was reasonable, report finds

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: A report into the three-year investigation of serial sex abuser Jerry Sandusky found that prosecutors, facing a shaky initial witness, had reason to take their time to build a case with multiple victims, according to sources familiar with the document.

Though raising questions about delays in the inquiry, the report, scheduled to be released Monday, does not fault prosecutors for using a grand jury to investigate Sandusky, the sources said. It also found no evidence that politics or a lack of resources influenced the investigation.

The report notes prosecutors from the state Attorney General’s Office felt strongly that testimony from the first boy to accuse Sandusky would likely not have been enough to convict the former assistant football coach at Pennsylvania State University… (more)

EDITOR: We will withhold comment until we have had an opportunity to review the entire report.


1 Comment

  1. So, state social service agencies failed to take action which eventually caused the AG to get involved. Perhaps the professors who concluded PA was the 5th most corrupt state should investigate a different type of corruption. State incompetence.

    Again we see AG Kane say she would have arrested Sandusky early thus taking a chance the case would blow up in her face much like the Phila. political bribery scandal and the nurse she charged, and found not guilty, of killing her aged father.

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