Rush’s racket: Republicans are weak-kneed on Limbaugh


Broadcaster Rush Limbaugh has the perfect little racket going. As a cultivator of outrage, he invites periodic condemnation, which in turn drives more bitter and angry listeners to his rancorous broadcasts. Rather than criticism hurting him, it just makes him more controversial and popular…

With an income of more than $30 million a year, Mr. Limbaugh is the most successful broadcaster in America and does not have to worry about his future. An insincere apology — that he “did not intend a personal attack” on Ms. Fluke– will do the trick until his next verbal outrage. But the Republican Party does need to worry.

Mr. Limbaugh occupies no official position with the party, but he is its alter ego and inspiration. He says what millions of the party faithful believe and, in the absence of a real party establishment, he is the de facto spokesman for the sort of Republicans that the GOP presidential candidates seek to impress…

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1 Comment

  1. The Republicans are scared of him, because they know he will excoriate and pillory any politician with the courage to stand up to him. Anyone who speaks the truth about what Limbaugh does risks being his next target.

    Whatever happened to real political courage in facing down a demagogue who is destroying the minds of his listeners and taking away their God-given freedom to think for themselves?

    And whatever happened to common decency?

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