Ron Harper’s “new gig”: Full-time Senate? Check out their other jobs!


… Every year our elected and public officials throughout the Commonwealth fill out an SEC-1 form from the Pennsylvania Ethics Commission.  The mandatory disclosure form requires officials to declare their sources of income over $1,300 and anyone they owe more than $6,500 in debt.

While the ethics form requires public officials to report their sources of income – the amounts made or other contractual arrangements are NOT revealed.  Exactly what work is done? – if any – because the income received is not revealed.  Do the senator’s business partners trade on their senate connection?  …

Starting this year, the form from the Ethics Commission directs officials to declare …”each source of $1,300 or more of gross income regardless of whether such income is received solely by you or jointly by you and another individual such as a spouse.”…

(Ron Harper Jr is always looking for leads on state corruption or abuse.  All correspondences are confidential: [email protected], 717-469-5669 or FAX/Voicemail toll free 1-877-832-8760)

Click here to read the full article.


1 Comment

  1. Go Harper!

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