Romney’s VP pick sets stark choice on budget issues


Republican Mitt Romney reset the race for the presidency as a battle over the size and scope of the federal government Saturday, choosing as his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the architect of the GOP’s plans to slash spending and overhaul Medicare.

In a risky and surprising move to give his campaign a jolt of momentum, Romney chose the 42-year-old congressman over several contenders considered safer bets. The selection seemed destined to shift the tone of a campaign that has become mired in petty squabbles and force a debate over how to tackle the nation’s fiscal challenges.

The selection achieved the rare feat of pleasing leaders in both parties. Top conservatives said Ryan would energize the party’s base and offer an articulate and robust defense of smaller government. Democrats said they were equally convinced voters will reject Ryan’s prescription for deficit reduction as too harsh. Obama campaign manager Jim Messina quickly called the Ryan budget proposals “radical” and said they would ensure “budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy, while placing greater burdens on the middle class and seniors.”

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