Roberts Redux? U.S. Top Judge May Surprise again

NEWSMAX: Over his 30 years in Washington, Chief Justice John Roberts has been difficult to pigeonhole and defied expectations. More than once, he has remade his image.

His crucial vote last week when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Democratic President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan astonished politicians and commentators, left and right. Yet if history is any indication, the 57-year-old chief justice, appointed for life, will surprise again during the course of a legacy that could last decades.

Indeed, the kinds of social policy issues that play to Roberts’ true conservatism, such as affirmative action and other race-based remedies are on the agenda for the term that starts in October… (more)

EDITOR: The Court’s Citizens United decision brought scant praise and increasing scathing criticism from the media, legal profession and public as the consequences become more apparent.  To have tossed the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act in the trash can would have left a legacy as the most infamous chief justice in USA history. He must have looked himself in the mirror and blinked.
