Rob McCord gets PSEA Endorsement

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: The PSEA, the state’s largest teachers’ union, is backing state Treasurer Rob McCord in the race for the Democratic nomination for governor.

The announcement of its support follows Mr. McCord’s strong showing at the Democratic State Committee meeting Saturday in Hershey. He received a plurality of the committee votes there, far outdistancing the second place finisher, U.S. Rep.Allyson Schwartz. An endorsement from the influential group would be coveted in any statewide Democratic race, but is particularly noteworthy in the context of an election in which school funding issues are already front and center. The PSEA decision suggests a split in the state’s teachers ranks, however, as the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers previously threw their support behind Ms. Schwartz.

“Tom Corbett’s bad decisions have thrown our public schools into crisis, and Rob McCord is dedicated to making the right decisions for our schools, our students, and our communities,” PSEA President Mike Crossey said. “PSEA-PACE is pleased to recommend Rob McCord to be Pennsylvania’s next governor. Rob has a sterling record on public education issues, will make Pennsylvania’s students a top priority, and will fight to reverse the school funding crisis that Tom Corbett has created.” … (more)



  1. As much as everyone dislikes Corbett’s education funding, can taxpayers afford to support anyone with strong ties to PSEA?

    The pension funding crisis is certainly the biggest threat in PA and realistic reform is not likely to come from, or even be discussed, by such a candidate.

    EDITOR: Perhaps. But it took Richard Nixon to go to China.

  2. It’s time for some truth regarding the pension crisis. This “crisis” was created by our state politicians, beginning in the early 2000’s, voting to forgo making the necessary annual contributions. Why does this now become a crisis for PA’s citizens and state employees. Why didn’t then Attorney General Corbett take action to prevent this catastrophe?

  3. EDITOR: Perhaps. But it took Richard Nixon to go to China.

    Ha, ha, yes that’s true!

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