Review: Chevy’s easy-driving Volt could be your only car


Chevrolet’s 2011 Volt battery car, due in at least a few customers’ hands in December, represents a staggering amount of engineering in order to be sure you never notice all that sophistication.

Except for the gee-whiz instrument panel, you might figure you were in a normal car. And that’s stunning, because Volt combines an electric motor, a generator that itself sometimes works as a motor and a small gasoline engine to create a drive train that uses no gasoline for 25 to 50 miles, then sips it.

Most impressive, though, is that the Chevrolet Volt is a premium execution of a pleasant-looking, easy-driving small car — one you’d probably be satisfied to have as your only vehicle (assuming you don’t need a big car or roomy back seat)…

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